M. Ethan Gould, PE

Growing up, I had the stereotypical engineer’s curiosity where I would drive my mother crazy taking apart and reassembling random items around the house. Occasionally ending up with some extra parts that weren’t needed. With both my father and grandfather being mechanical engineers, the family used to think it was in the blood.

In my senior year studying Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology I wasn’t sure what type of engineering I wanted to pursue but had a chance interview with the Plumbing and Fire Protection department head at Flack + Kurtz. While most mechanical engineers end up in the HVAC department, I was offered a position in plumbing and fire protection, and I thought maybe I will get to design water parks, only finding out later I would be dealing more with toilets than water slides. Working in a smaller department there was more opportunity to stand out and suddenly I was designing laboratories, embassies, commercial buildings, and 100+ story towers around the world. The experience I gained over those years taught me how to be a creative and adaptable engineer, where taking a seemingly unsolvable problem and finding that unique solution reminds me of why I wanted to be an engineer in the first place. To solve problems and improve people’s lives through the buildings and systems I had a part in designing.

Did you know?

I love Liverpool Football Club. Many years ago, I was on a long overseas flight to Malaysia and binge watched an entire documentary on the club and their history. By the time the plane landed I was hooked. This also coincided with the start of broadcasting the matches in the US around the same time, so I could watch every match. When I am old and retired my dream is to live in Liverpool, get season tickets and shuffle down to the stadium every weekend.

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“Sometimes the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple.”

— Dr. Suess